They had so much money they bought a second house, which they can't sell, LOL.
But then my dad lost his 30k a year job, and my mum then had to get a job.
Sucks, mkay.
No, I don't live at college, no one does in this country, college for me is 9am - 4pm daily.(some people do night classes but college closes at 10pm)
My nan lives like 2 miles from my house, so I just walk here from college on thursday, Have my own room and everything.
Anyway, I think you need to say something to your mum about the internet being unplugged, Just say, "Mum, look why do you unplug the internet? Don't you trust me or something?"
Guarentee she says either
" Yes, I trust you, but I don't want you staying up late.." or
" No, I don't trust you, you'll stay up late."
If she says the first Reply with,
"I won't mum honestly, Staying up late would be stupid because I'd be tired for school."
If she says second then reply with,
" No I won't, Look, Trust me please, I won't stay up late..D:"
This is WinWin, It's called Social Engineering, You trick people into doing things for you with words.
Guarentee she stops.
Also if she doesn't believe you, go bed at at 9pm for 1 week, then try to get her to stop again, If she says no again, WOW. I can't help. Your mum is stubborn as a goat!
Have Fun.